Thursday 7 February 2013

Establishing My Kingdom on Earth: Perpetual Adoration

A Letter to You, Beloved of Christ: Section VII

Do you want My Kingdom to come, so that it is on earth as it is in heaven? ‘What then is heaven?’ Do you ask. Heaven is where I am Adored without end, it is Perpetual Adoration. That is how earth shall become heaven, through Perpetual Adoration of my Eucharistic-Heart, which shall flood the earth with my Divine Will which is Love and Mercy, working through my people who shall pour themselves out like water, pouring out the abundance of Love and Mercy of which I am. If you ask Me to help establish My Kingdom in your parish I shall do so; though it will require trust, prayer and sacrifice through the intercession of my Mother. If you heed my voice you shall seek to have Perpetual Adoration in your parish that flows forth into the homes of the faithful. The difference between a tepid soul and a zealous soul is that one seeks to Adore Me in part, whilst the other without end. Make your heart a chapel of Perpetual Adoration; this way My Kingdom will Reign there. Preach this and live this, my dear disciple. 
Bring souls to My Eucharistic-Heart to drink freely from the fountain of the water of life. Draw near yourself, and come and Adore me. Lead by example; feed and drink from My Heart the Water and Bread of Life. You will find Me in My Mother who is the Well of Salvation, the Tabernacle of I the Heavenly Bread; of I who am the pure source of the Gospel. Drink and eat without end; receive me in Humility and Purity with the Heart of My Mother. In this way your Heart will become like My Mothers, like unto My own; and from the abundance of My heart and not yours shall you speak. In this way you shall call all those you encounter unto Myself. Even if you utter not a word.
In the Eucharist I await all My People, and I call out to all My People: ‘Come and Adore Me, Come and keep Me company, Come and let us embrace one another’. For on the Cross my hands were nailed, with My arms wide apart. Indeed for all eternity My arms shall remain open; and it is now in the Eucharist that you encounter My Divine Embrace; yet O so often you and all My people cease to embrace Me back; remaining limp and unresponsive. My Church is asleep, and so few remain awake; for I’m always waiting in the Tabernacle yet no one comes; and when they do, I am ignored. “Are you asleep? Could you not watch for one hour?” O so few keep watch with Me; O I want you and your people to keep watch with Me at least weekly in a Holy Hour; and you shall see but the tip of the ice-berg of the marvels that I will work within and through you!

 A message for yourself, the Church and indeed all souls: cease feeding and drinking from bowls into which I flow, and come and drink directly from My Eucharistic-Heart, the Fountain and the source of Love and Mercy itself, which was opened up on Calvary and is made present in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Return to Me the pure source of the Gospel and bring Me into your home to Adore Me, and I shall exclaim: “Salvation has come to this house!”(Luke 19:9).

I have prayed earnestly and long prior my writing this. Forgive me for any short comings, and know that the Spirit has spoken what is beautiful and True herein, and that my own imperfection is anything other than that. With great love I keep you in my prayers, please pray for me also, I am in much need always. Wonder not about the sinful messenger but only the message of Our Lady, the Virgin of Revelation- to ‘return to the pure source of the Gospel’: Christ’s Eucharistic-Heart. Drawing near to the Eucharistic-Heart has transformed my life. The Spirit has prompted me to write to you, this I have hopefully done sufficiently.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” (Jn 6:53-56).
Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"... After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him. Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (Jn 6: 60, 66-68).
May the Blood and Water, which is the Love and Mercy of God poured forth from the Heart of Jesus from all the Tabernacles of the world flood forth into your soul, and indeed all souls throughout the earth. Amen.
May God bless you.
Servant of the Beloved: Heel of Christ,JMJ

Sunday 13 January 2013

An Invitation into the Divine Romance

A Letter to You, Beloved of Christ: Section VI

Priest, Prophet and King you have been made through the Waters of Baptism which issued forth from My Side. As a member of the royal priesthood you are to offer the Father My Eucharistic-Heart which I give to you; on behalf of yourself and all peoples. As a prophet you are to hold fast to the Truth and preach My Word without reserve; by allowing Me to live in you. As a King you are to reign with Me, and share in I who Am the Glory of God. Will you preach from and on the pure source of the Gospel- my Sacred Heart the Holy Eucharist? You need not chase a lifestyle other than that to which I call you, but rather refocus how you live the life I have called you to, and if you are living it at all. Refocus the gaze of the eyes of your soul upon my face, most purely contemplated in the Holy Eucharist. O I am Power! I am Joy! I am Love and Mercy! This Power, this Joy, Love and Mercy I give to you in the Holy Eucharist. Live in this Power and live out this Victory of the Cross, of which I give to you; and you will reap a harvest one thousand times a thousand times more abundant than that which you could reap (by my grace) now. But O how I stress that you must do this through my Holy Mother, the Heart most closely untied with Mine. You must love Me with the Heart of My Mother, the Heart which loves Me most; and then you shall be an instrument of My voice that must proclaim this Truth! Come my beloved, come to My Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, through and with the Heart of My Mother.
 Do you see how it was in ‘Acts of the Apostles’? Where healings and miracles abounded, where those converted numbered in the thousands? Indeed my dear disciple this can and shall be done today! Yet you must devote yourself “to the Apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42); recalling that all Life doth flow from My Heart which was broken for you. My Eucharistic-Heart which is broken and shared at the Holy Mass and is Adored furthermore in Adoration; where those that come with a pure and humble heart fall deeper in love with Me, and I with them. ‘O, how can you love me more, aren’t you love itself, and don’t you love me infinitely much already O Lord?’. Why yes dear soul, but you limit the extent of My Might; for My love is infinite, since I am infinite; yet this love which is infinite, infinitely increases; and those whom enter My Heart, enter the Divine Romance between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This love is not stagnant or else it would be like the dead sea; but it is abundant and lively, and increases evermore! The more time that you dwell with Me in the Holy Spirit according to Kairos, eternal time, and not in flesh according to chronos, worldly time; is the deeper that you shall fall into Me who is Love; and the deeper that I shall penetrate into the depths of your soul and fill you an abyss of misery, with Myself. O the wonders I work in you through My Eucharistic-Heart, the source of all Power, if only you knew!

Holy Trinity (Pala della Convertite)

Saturday 5 January 2013

Contemplate My Face in the Holy Eucharist

A Letter to You, Beloved of Christ: Section V

For so long did I not heed the cries of our Lord, and indeed He cries out to you and to all His people:
O how I mourn at the distance my people keep from Me! They come not to drink abundantly from Me who is the River of Life, but they come only to moisten their lips. O how many of my dear souls forgo Mass on Sunday to attend the vanities of the world? How many fail to receive Me in Holy Communion in order to sleep in? Too many, too many. O how I would leap with joy if all my dear souls received Me as much as they could, according to the life they lived;  and came to celebrate before Me and with Me in Adoration! Yes I am present when two or three gather in My name, but My Presence is ever more Powerful when I am present in the flesh! Otherwise I would not bother to dwell in all the Tabernacles throughout the world, and submit myself to such isolation. At the present moment there are some souls who are strong in faith and whom drink abundantly from My Heart. There are others who come to drink abundantly yet their hearts are like firm soil, they lack faith and conviction in what I can do in them by one Holy Communion, by one Hour of Adoration, or by one visit to Me in the Tabernacle. My Church as a whole does not drink from Me in abundance; since few even practice their faith, and most of those that seemingly do, practice nothing but outward motions, as if they forgot they even had a soul. There have been times when My Church has indeed drunk in abundance from Me; and this is what caused vegetation to flourish as described in Isaiah 35 and Revelation 22. But the Evil One has continued to cause a subtle distraction from Me in the Holy Eucharist to things of vanity of which you know. Never have I been Adored as I desire. I seek to give infinitely much and do give much, yet I am so sorely rejected, and am left knocking at the doors of people’s hearts. Everyone asks for so little! Everyone asks according to their finite will and not My infinite Will which is Love and Mercy itself. The distractions that abound would serve towards your sanctification, but instead you do not come to contemplate my face in the Holy Eucharist, but seek my face elsewhere, where it is not in all fullness; and thus you are led astray, and are left in a tepid state of soul.
Too many of my dear souls eat the crumbs that fall from the table (Mt 15:21-28), and this feeds them not. I call out to you; “where are you” my beloved disciple? (Gen 3:9). “And where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9). You have gone to every spring except my Eucharistic-Heart. Can you not now see why things are the way they are? And why things have become the way they are? In your family, in My Church, in the world and in the world of your soul? And what of the children and the youth in My Church? So many are thirsty and many have fallen away, as they have not been shown where to drink. The doors to the churches are the doors that lead to My Presence; yet these doors are often bared closed, an action sharing in what my dear disciples did when they sought to stop the little children who wanted to come to Me. I speak of both a literal closing of the doors of my churches, the Temples where my Eucharistic-Heart reigns; yet also of the failure to “let the little children come to Me” (Mt 19:14) in Adoration. If My Eucharistic-Heart is shunned from among you, and is left in solitude, then  I will lead those who truly thirst, to go to places elsewhere where My children can drink plentifully from I the Fountain of the Water of Life.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Cause of Every Problem: Eucharistic Dissociation

A Letter to You, Beloved of Christ: Section IV

What is the cause of all problems; of all the sins and imperfections, of every conceivable error that you are aware of and beyond what you are aware of- in your own soul, in your home, in your family, in the Catholic Church and indeed in the whole world? There is a diagnosis for such problems, of every problem, and this diagnosis is called: Eucharistic Dissociation.
Cut off and separated from Me who is Life one shall never be satisfied. I am Holy Eucharist, I am the Pure source of the Gospel, why then am I neglected and abandoned to be alone? So far away do My people come to adore me; why so far I ask? I cannot embrace you as intimately as I desire when you choose to keep such a distance. Why then do My people keep such a distance from Me when they come to Adore Me? You’ve come before Me so many times in Adoration and before Me in the Tabernacle, but how neglected I was; so near in the flesh, yet so far in Spirit. If only you surrender all and say yes with the Heart of My Mother to the Divine Will, then you would see the wonders that I would work within you! You must cease complaining about the lack of good priests and religious; and instead spend your time praying for vocations, for the purification of priests and all religious. For without holy Priests imbued in the Spirit, and cut off from the flesh and its bureaucracy, My people will be led astray and shall be at risk of becoming lost; as they will be “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mt 9:36). Come my beloved; come before Me in Adoration through the Heart of My Mother in the Holy Rosary. Ask and you shall receive!
All problems: all sins and imperfection,- within the world, within the Church; and within your soul are caused by a neglecting, dissociation and denial of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament; the Sacred Heart which is the source of all Life, Peace, Joy, Hope, Love and Mercy. This is Eucharistic Dissociation, caused by receiving Holy Communion infrequently, failing to come before Christ in Adoration in prayer and thanksgiving; failing to give proper thanks after Communion and by failing to listen to Him in silence. It occurs when one is distant and far from Christ-Eucharistic. When one becomes like a bride who ignores and takes advantage of her loving Husband.
When one suffers from Eucharistic Dissociation one is not drinking plentifully from the River of the Water of Life, nor are they eating to their fill from the Bread of Life. One thus remains thirsty and hungry, whether they are consciously aware of this or not.
The Holy Eucharist is the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and Saint Augustine says: “My heart is restless until it rests in yours”. It is in the Eucharist (Christ- His Sacred Heart) therefore that we find Rest, that we find the fulfilment of the Sabbath. For “on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done” (Gen 2:2). Here God rests after finishing the work of creation. 
“It is accomplished!” Jn 19:30
When Christ exclaims on the Cross “It is accomplished!” (Jn 19:30) and “It is done!” (Rev 21:6), here he speaks of the work of salvation- the new creation as having been completed. Thus in the River of Love and Mercy which is the Blood and Water poured out from Christ on the Cross, and made present in the Holy Eucharist, we find the fulfilment of the Sabbath and thus the fulfilment of rest and peace. This is why in Isaiah the Holy Spirit calls the Holy Eucharist the ‘Covenant of Peace’ (Is 54:10).  For as the Psalmist says: “the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” (Ps 23:1), for in Him I lack nothing, since by Him I am made complete (shalom: completeness, peace). “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters” (Ps 23:2); which in Hebrew translates more closely to the ‘waters of rest’.
So one who suffers from Eucharistic Dissociation not only suffers from thirst and hunger, but from restlessness. Since when one is hungry and thirsty they become restless; their soul becomes dehydrated and they become more and more delusional, thus easily lead astray, distracted, lukewarm, tepid, unfit for battle, out of shape for the fight, and unsatisfied. I did not come for this! I did not come so that you might be partially satisfied, says the Lord, I came so that your cup may overfloweth!